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If there is a feminine aspect to this ftm individual that attracts that man. Unless you're a guy, of course! Trans men are still men.

Trans men are still men. So I believe that a Trans person can identify as Gay or Lesbian… but it is not a homosexual relationship. Given that they would be dating, that would mean he likes a guy.

- I believe that people should be able to identify anyway they choose. It doesn't matter if you have the surgery yet or can afford it, as long as you hate what you were born with and know you were born in the wrong body.

Dating a pre-op FTM as a male isn't homosexual; it's rather self-explanatory. The male is attracted to someone who espouses feminine qualities, while knowing they will be female in the future. Interestingly, at the same time, a female could be attracted to a pre-op FTM and also be heterosexual, by being attracted to the current state's masculine qualities and not the future state's biological sex. Might be a bit iffy, though. Just a small tangent for food for thought. If the person is a pre-op female to male transsexual, then that person is still physically female, therefore that guy would be attracted to that person's feminine physical form, assuming they have one naturally as they are born biologically female. There are plenty of straight men who have dated or even married female to male trans individuals before they even knew their partner was trans. They are still straight because they are still attracted to that person as a woman, not a man. I know this is complicated but you have to think about it. I've met several people who identify as straight, but are attracted to people of the same gender. Everyone's a little queer, but every case is different as well. But there are straight-identifying men who found pre-T trans men attractive, but when the trans guys' essential femininity faded away with hormones, so did the attraction to the trans guy. Someone can still be straight but date someone of their same gender or even sex. Labels don't define you. You just pick whatever labels you relate to and roll with it. If he's dating the trans man solely for the fact the FTM guy still HAS a vagina, then he probably never saw the person he was dating as a dude to begin with. If there is a feminine aspect to this ftm individual that attracts that man. He is most likely straight. Even if the ftm individual personally identifies as male, if the straight man's initial reaction was to be attracted to the ftm individual as a female because of ignorance or whatever then they are still straight and the fact that their attraction doesn't disappear upon their hearing that the other person identifies as male shouldn't mean they are not straight. However this does not mean that homosexuality is not involved in the relationship, since his FtM partner identifies as a male himself, and is therefore homosexual. Genitalia plays no role in this situation. If they were biologically what you looked like when you were born, not what you think you were female and looked feminine to the person, I think he would be considered straight. That's my opinion, though. If you have a different opinion, act on your opinions, as long as you don't harm anyone. If they haven't physically started changing then the guy is straight as chemicals produced by a female body is what is attracting him. It's sexual attraction a person's perceived sex not genderal attraction. Im ftm so don't hate on me. Imagine this scenario: A person is a Gay preop Female-to-male transgendered male femme without an intention of going through the operation. Thinking about what that actually means is a biological female who imagines themselves to be a man trapped in a woman's body, who is attracted to men and is feminine, but with no intention of going through surgery to change their genitalia. This is a tricky one due to everyone being different, different circumstances etc. I believe that the male in this scenario would either be straight, bi or pan if he believes that the female to male transsexual is a female, before the operation. He believes he is dating a female, therefore is attracted to a female in his eyes. Granted someone could care predominantly about the genitalia in their identity as heterosexual and so date born women and female-to-male transsexuals. But generally I'd expect the guy to be gay or at least bi. I asked this question because people often say if a straight guy dates a male-to-female transsexual then he's gay especially if she's preop i. Based on that logic a guy dating a preop female-to-male transsexual would be straight or at least have to be bisexual and couldn't be completely gay. A M to F transsexual is still biologically male argue all you may but no matter how you slice it if a human has a penis he is a male and a female if a vagina. Nothing will make me call red anything but red. Therefore dressing like your desired sex does not change anyone biologically and having sex with same sex individuals is still homosexuality. Saying something because it's PC doesn't make it so. Given that they would be dating, that would mean he likes a guy. He's not straight but it doesn't mean he's necessarily gay; it just means he's somewhere in between the spectrum of sexuality. A man can date a woman and still be bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, or even asexual. However, that does not mean that both of them are heterosexual. But if the someone identifies as heterosexual and dates someone who identifies as the opposite gender, they are still heterosexual! Its like He's strait, bc he only likes girls, but its not bc they can be pansexual.... Ik this guy whos daring a pansexual he says he's strait but doesn't that make him a polysexual. You can say no, bc shes still a girl. I think it's a yes bc bisexuals only like boys+girls. I changed to pansexual bc I relized that i only like girls not lesbian they can be a trans woman, pansexual, extl as long as they identify as a female. The genitalia doesn't matter. If a cis man is attracted to a tran man, he isnt straight, as he likes a man. Just like if a cis woman were to date a trans woman, she wouldn't be straight, as she is dating a woman. I say this because if the guy decides to actually start testosterone, then his feminine features will fade sooner or later. Having said that the straight guy's attraction might either die or stay the same, hs may even realize he's not completely straight. We're all different but this is what I personally think. Transgender or Cisgender, still the gender you identify with It's about the mind not the parts a person is born with. Just because someone's Gentiles don't match how they identify, doesn't make them any less of their gender. Trans men are still men. Transgender or Cisgender, still the gender you identify with It's about the mind not the parts a person is born with. Just because someone's Gentiles don't match how they identify, doesn't make them any less of their gender. Trans men are still men.

Date Opens Up About Emotional Transgender Story
We have good history, shared values, similar interests. Though your suitor is no more straight than you are, you'll both be granted heterosexual privilege, even when you don't want it. Within the emotional relationship it was not a gay relationship. Gender is between the ears. But likewise, he should NOT disrespect you. First I have no intention to hurt anyone. Liking both means bisexual, and liking neither is asexual.